Director: D. Andrew Tompkins, MD, MHS
For more information about our research programs, please contact Dr. Tompkins at (628) 206-3645
Current Projects

Project HOUDINI LINK (Hospital Opioid Use Disorder treatment INItiation and LINKage to care) is a SAMHSA funded project that studies the efficacy of a novel 6-month care coodination program, consisting of lay patient navigators, contingency management and motivational interviewing, on (1) linkage rates to community-based treatment (2) ongoing treatment engagement and (3) health care utilization for patients initiating medications for OUD while hopsitalized at Zuckerberg San Francisco General Hopsital.

Office-based methadone versus buprenorphine to address retention in medication for opioid use disorder treatment– a randomized pragmatic hybrid effectiveness/implementation trial. The EMBOSS Study (CTN-0131) is a randomized, pragmatic hybrid type 1 effectiveness/implementation multisite (6 sites) trial to determine whether office-based methadone with pharmacy administration and/or dispensing or buprenorphine (BUP) results in greater treatment retention in approximately 600 patients with opioid use disorder (OUD).

OTOP Drug Surveillance Project
The Project seeks to characterize drugs and adulterants currently present in the drug supply in San Francisco including xylazine (sometimes referred to as “Tranq”), nitazene analogs (sometimes referred to as “iso”), fentanyl analogues, and “designer” benzodiazepines by utilizing mass spectrometry to analyze urine samples collected at intake to treatment. The Project seeks to provide regularly updated information to people who use drugs and people working with them, including public health and affiliated organizations in order to help better understand and respond to the risks associated with the presence of unexpected drugs and adulterants in the drug supply.
Resources for Individuals wanting to join a DSAAM Research Study
- If you are interested in joining a study, please call us at (628) 206-3365
- If you are interested in a career in research at DSAAM, please see our current job openings
- If you are interested in a post-doctoral fellowship, research opportunity as part of a degree program or volunteer
opportunity please email Dr. Tompkins