Count of Xylazine Detections in All Samples Since Study Initiation
(March 1st, 2023)
Percentage of Xylazine Detections in All Samples Since Study
Initiation (March 1st, 2023)
June-July 2023
Count of Xylazine Detections in Samples Between June 1st and July
31st, 2023
Percentage of Xylazine Detections in Samples Between June 1st and
July 31st, 2023
Xylazine Upset Visualization
Co-occurring Substances with Xylazine in Xylazine-Positive
Above is an Upset plot (similar to a Venn Diagram but with numbers)
showing all samples positive for xylazine over the course of this study.
So far, xylazine always co-occurs with fentanyl and its associated
compounds, tentatively suggesting xylazine is an adulterant of illicitly
manufactured fentanyl in San Francisco. This fits with national trends,
where xylazine has been added to the opioid supply but not to other
classes of drugs
Prevalences of Substances of Interest
Prevalences of Substances of Interest
Fentanyl Analogs
Co-occurences of Fentanyl Analogs
Above is an Upset plot (similar to a Venn Diagram but with numbers)
showing all samples positive for fentanyl or one of its metabolites, and
the co-occurrence of fentanyl analogs. So far in this study, fentanyl
analogs have only been detected in samples where fentanyl or a fentanyl
metabolite are also detected. This tentatively suggests fentanyl analogs
co-occur with fentanyl in the drug supply, rather than being an
independently manufactured and marketed drug